April 2023 Newsletter

April 2023 Newsletter

Dear Friends & Constituents,

The legislative session has come and gone, but I continue to reflect on the important things we accomplished. It’s reassuring that Utahns can come together and implement policies that have a meaningful impact.

 At the start of the session, my colleagues and I outlined three policy pillars for our state:

  • Stewardship of our natural resources
  • Keeping life affordable
  • Investing in our future

I am proud to say we accomplished our goals. Learn more about the legislation passed and how it will benefit you here.

Water Conservation

We have been blessed with abundant rain and snowfall this winter. While I am grateful for the precipitation we have received, it’s still important that we do our part to conserve for the future. During this past session, my colleagues and I passed several meaningful bills to aid in Utah’s conservation efforts.

In addition to saving water for future generations, mindful conservation can also help you save money! For more information about how you can conserve at home, click here. We must all work together to preserve our natural resources.

Flood Prevention

With increased precipitation comes an increased chance of flooding, and it can happen anywhere. Even if you’re outside of a flood zone, it’s important to monitor your local risk. This is the best way to minimize damage in the event of a worst-case scenario.

One important part of flood preparedness is having sandbags readily available. Thank you to the many volunteers who have showed up to fill sandbags at community events over the past several weeks.

Click here to check your risk level and find some helpful resources.


Community Helpers

Considering the increased snowfall this year, I’d like to recognize our snowplow drivers. They have done an exceptional job keeping our roads clear and safe for drivers.

I had a chance to ride along with Jared Jeffs, which gave me an inside look at the critical work they do. To all our public service workers, we appreciate you!

Doug Welton Plowing

Protecting Our Youth

The rise of depression and mental illness in our children and teenagers is deeply troubling and has given lawmakers great cause for concern.

Although there are many contributing factors, experts point to social media as a major issue. Here in Utah, we’re committed to being at the forefront of holding social media companies accountable for the harm they cause. To help protect our children, this Legislature passed HB 311 and SB 152.

You can learn more about these bills and what they mean for your family here

Utah Banking Industry

Coverage of the recent banking crisis has left many Utahns feeling nervous about the future of our economy.

To learn more about the current state of our financial markets and what it means for Utah, listen to the latest episode of the Utah House of Representatives Podcast. Rep. Robert Spendlove, Vice Chair of the Executive Appropriations Committee, provides an excellent overview of the current state of Utah’s banking institutions.

As always, I hope to stay engaged with all of you through open and honest communication. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.


Representative Doug Welton