The Legislature will meet on May 18 for interim meetings. You can view interim committee assignments here. On May 19, we will convene in a special session to appropriate federal COVID-19 relief funds. Review Utah’s budget and find out more information here.
Fastest Growing State in the Nation
New census data shows Utah was the fastest-growing state in the nation over the last decade. It is no surprise that so many want to live here with our beautiful landscapes, business and family-friendly policies, and endless opportunities. However, we must manage this growth to ensure Utahns can continue to maintain the quality of life we currently enjoy. Read more here.
On Track to Lift Mask Mandate
During the session, the Legislature passed HB 294- Pandemic Emergency Powers Amendments. The law terminates emergency powers and certain public health orders related to COVID-19 upon reaching certain thresholds of positivity rates, vaccination, and other criteria. Utah is on track to hit the threshold. Read more about the bill here.
Vehicle Registration Postcards Returning in May
At the beginning of this year, the Legislature passed HB 170 to bring back DMV registration renewal postcard reminders. This provides vehicle owners with the option to receive a postcard through the mail to inform them of their vehicle’s expired registration. The DMV will begin sending out renewal postcards for vehicles expiring in May. Please note, only currently registered cars will receive a postcard as the DMV does not maintain a record of expired vehicles.
Tax Cuts
This session we passed historic legislation that will provide nearly $100 million in tax relief to Utah citizens! The legislation targets three specific groups- families, veterans, and the elderly. Learn more about the tax cuts by watching this short video.
Utahraptor State Park is located 15 miles northwest of Moab in Grand County. Much of this land contains dinosaur bones including fossils from the Utahraptor dinosaur! The area is currently undeveloped with only primitive camping and recreation options and the creation of a state park will bring much-needed infrastructure to the area. Construction is expected to begin later this year and will include two modern campgrounds, restrooms, an office and entrance station, and trailheads for off road vehicles and mountain bikes. Here’s a photo of Rep. Eliason and Sen. Hinkins (the bill sponsors) at the site!
COVID-19 Update
The COVID-19 vaccine continues to be available for all Utahns 16 and older! To find a vaccine provider near you, or to schedule an appointment click here.
Economic Report
The March 2021 employment report was released earlier this month. Utah’s employment has increased by 0.9% since March 2020 and Utah is first in the nation for private sector job growth. Additionally, Utah’s most recent unemployment rate is 2.9%, compared to the national average of 6.0%. While the last year has been challenging for many, we are optimistic that things will continue to trend up.
Check out the House’s latest podcasts! This month features the 2021 legislative priorities with Speaker Wilson, what to expect during the interim, and a highlight of vehicle registration postcards with Rep. Scott Chew. Click here to listen.
Kind regards,
Representative Doug Welton
Utah House District 67